Say Goodbye To Unwanted Hair At Laser Affair

by: C.J. Kaelin

Mary Beth Lambert (say goodbye to unwanted hair)
Mary Beth Lambert

Located at 15241 Amberly Drive, Laser Affair is celebrating its second anniversary. Owner and Certified Medical Electrologist (CME), Mary Beth Lambert will tell you that her success the first year has exceeded her expectations. “I am so pleased that I have been able to help so many clients achieve their goals of being better groomed. If you are well groomed, you have more confidence and just feel better about yourself” she told me.

I confess that I knew very little about laser treatments and unwanted hair removal before I met with Mary Beth. However it took about two minutes to realize how professional, experienced, and passionate she is about helping her clients. With over 7 years as a CME, (she also holds certifications by the Candela Syneron and Cyno Sure Laser Manufacturing Corporation, and is a member of the Society of Clinical & Medical Hair Removal, and the Electrolysis Association of Florida, Inc.), Mary Beth is well qualified to provide her clients with the best and most professional treatment in hair removal.

I asked her who is a candidate for her services and she replied that her clients are split – men (35%) and women (65%) and included swimmers, body builders, dancers, cheerleaders, athletes of all kinds, nudists, volleyball players, runners, gymnasts, students, brides, people with PCOS (Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome, and Hirsutism patients), along with people just wanting to improve their looks and eliminate unwanted hair. So that pretty much included most everyone. If you are tired of • Shaving • Waxing • Plucking • Razor rash • Ingrown hairs • or just having hair in places you would rather not, then you should consider getting in touch with Laser Affair. Laser treatment is preferable to all other options for unwanted hair removal because it is permanent. Procedures like waxing is painful and will not eliminate the problem. Shaving and plucking is also just a temporary solution that can lead to razor rash and or ingrown hairs, all painful and unsightly.

Laser Affair is not a chain, but a private company owned and operated by Mary Beth, who is a New Tampa resident. Because of that fact, Laser Affair does not apply high pressure sales tactics, nor enforce unrealistic sales goals often associated with large corporate owned entities. “I do not believe in that” she said, “I know the industry. I know what is achievable, and I know I offer extremely attractive solutions for my clients. This has been the proven path of our success.”

At Laser Affair you will be thoroughly evaluated and a personalized plan made just for you. They will explain what they will do and why it needs to be done. You will have absolute privacy and unlike other centers, your work will be done by the same person every time. Your progress is overseen by Medical Director, Gerard Mosiello, MD FACS, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.

Another big difference between Laser Affair and their competition is that you don’t have to pay in advance for all your treatments. There is a price incentive if you do, but at Laser Affair, you can pay as you go. And their rates, even with the ability to pay as you go, are less than their chain competition. That is such a great option with the difficult economic times we are in today.

If you, or your loved one has been wanting to do something with that unwanted hair, you need to call Laser Affair. Ask for Mary Beth and tell her the Advisor told you to call. She will be glad to answer any and all questions you may have.

I asked Mary Beth what statement she wanted to give to our readers, and she said, “My focus is that the clients of Laser Affair receive optimal results after being provided thorough, honest, and realistic expectations. Our prices are extremely competitive and when all is said and done, I want each and every client to be able to brag about their experience at Laser Affair.”

For more information, call Laser Affair at 813-944-2445, visit their web site at, and see their ad on the next page. Please tell them the Advisor Magazine sent you. You will not be disappointed.

With the holidays around the corner, this is the perfect time to see what Laser Affair can do for you. Want to be well groomed 24/7? Want freedom from razors, tweezers, waxing, stubble and ingrown hair? Laser Affair is your answer. Do it for yourself, or do it for your loved one. Think of it this way…With smooth skin, who benefits the most? The one being touched, or the one doing the touching?

This article which was written by: C.J. Kaelin and it was published in the November 2012 issue of the Advisor Magazine. Call 907-6167 to get more information about their magazine.